Sheep Genetics
Stud Rams for Sale. Coopworth, Beltex Crosses - Beltex x Suffolk, Beltex x Suftex & Beltex x Coopworth

Ashton Glen Coopworth Stud. Suffolk and Beltex Crosses.
In 2004 we entered the stud breeding game. As you do; as farmers you observe stock and trial and dabble with different breeds. With a family history of a Suffolk Stud, some Cheviots and a base ewe flock of Border Cross' it was an easy step to Coopworths.
They are productive, easy to handle, great mothers producing lambs that survive, grow fast and yield.
We have focused breeding an animal of sound stucture with emphasis on meat and growth. We have worked with other Coopworth Breeders in pushing the boundaries in these areas and keep progressing with good linkages.
The Coopworth breed is straight forward, practical, progressive and profitable with many years of preformance recording.
In 2018 in addition to our Coopworth Stud we registered a Suffolk Stud. We also purchased some Suftex ewes (hoggets) with the purpose of crossing with the two purebred Beltex rams we purchased in the autumn.
The Coopworth Stud ewes have been mated with our own and outside high ranking Coopworth rams to get get strong linkages. A selection of the Coopworth stud ewes have gone to the Beltex rams along with the Suffolk & Suftex ewes.
All stud animals are SIL recorded.
The 2019 Ram Sale resulted in a complete clearance of 2 tooth Rams for sale - the new crosses been snapped up. Again this year's Ram sale offers again a good selection of 2 tooth rams for sale.
Pictured above is the first of the Beltex X Coopworths (2018).
These are a New Zealand and possible world FIRST Beltex x Coopworth.
It is an interesting journey combining the highest ranking dual purpose breed in New Zealand with an exciting new meat breed.
We are more than impressed with all the progeny. Not disappointed!
Our Breeding mandate:
- A strong structured animal with good confirmation
- Preformance checked on - High Fertility, Survival, Growth & Meat
- NIL ewe drenching policy
- Growing robust lambs through a selective drenching programme
Beltex Rams

Beltex Cross Lambing
Photos of our ewes with their pure Beltex sired progeny. Very happy with the strong Beltex genetics appearing in the lambs. Expecting to have some good Beltex cross rams for sale. Dams: Suffolk (hoggets & 2 tooth), SufTex (hoggets) & Coopworth (2 tooth).
Photos of our ewes with their pure Beltex sired progeny. Very happy with the strong Beltex genetics appearing in the lambs. Expecting to have some good Beltex cross rams for sale. Dams: Suffolk (hoggets & 2 tooth), SufTex (hoggets) & Coopworth (2 tooth).